英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:30:47

carve out

英 [kɑ:v aut]

美 [kɑrv aʊt]

创业; 发财; 雕刻出; 开拓
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. remove from a larger whole

e.g. the new start-up company carved out a large chunk of the market within a year

2. establish or create through painstaking effort

e.g. She carved out a reputation among her male colleagues


1. 创业:勇气or能力?畅所欲言14楼(2009-05-24 11:54:26) Re:[投票]创业(carve out)最需要具备什么?勇气or能力?畅所欲言15楼(2009-05-24 12:11:34) Re:[投票]创业(carve out)最需要具备什么?勇气or能力?畅所欲言

2. carve out

2. 雕刻:carve out one's way 开辟道路 | carve out 雕刻 | carve up 瓜分

3. 开拓,创业:revelation 启示,揭示 | carve out 开拓,创业 | niche 小生境

4. 创(业), 发(财):carry out 实行, 执行; | carve out 创(业), 发(财) | carve up 分割, 瓜分

If you really need to see a therapist then I'm sure you can carve out some extra cash.(如果你的确需要看心理医生,那么我肯定你能从牙缝里挤出点钱。)
To carve out a role on a Rockets roster deep at his position in the fall, he will have to do more of the same and more, and do it reliably.(在他这个位置上,火箭队有很强的阵容深度,想要在今天秋季的轮换阵容中占有一席之地,他必须付出比现在更多的努力,而且要坚持不懈。)
Prior to WPARs, you would need to carve out separate logical partitions (LPARs) within the physical server.(在WPAR出现之前,需要在物理服务器中划分单独的逻辑分区(LPAR)。)
Therefore, the best way to establish your business is to carve out your own niche.(因此,创业的最好途径就是明确自己的利基市场。)
Enter in your WWNs into your SAN and carve out and map disks.(在SAN中输入WWN,设置并映射磁盘。)
Many other companies also want to carve out a bigger slice of the market for "smart" phones and services.(其他公司也想在“智能”手机和服务市场中分得一杯羹。)
Knowing that, we have to carve out time to "stress-less" and find ways to under-react.(明白了这一点,我们就必须为“减轻压力”抽取时间,并且寻找方法防止反复受压力困扰。)
Commandeer unused space in your home to carve out a dedicated work space.(在你家征用一个闲置的地方,打造一个专属工作空间。)
So what you have to make sure is to carve out special time for your older child.(所以你需要做的就是为你的大儿子多留出点时间。)
Imagine that we carve out a separate set of regulations for nanotechnology in water purification.(想象一下,如果我们为净水的纳米技术创造出了一组单独的管理规定。)
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